Southern California Planning Congress

An association of cities, counties, public utilities, private consultants, and professionals interested in resolving interjurisdictional and regional planning issues

Event Summary – EnviroMetro


This is a summary of a previous SCPC event,
from March 8, 2016.


Greening LA’s Growing

Transportation Network


EnviroMetro Logo2

EnviroMetro ElMonte


On Tuesday, March 8, 2016, the Southern California Planning Congress (SCPC) hosted a presentation and discussion with  leaders of EnviroMetro. 

EnviroMetro is a coalition of over 60 Los Angeles-based organizations seeking to broaden Metro’s long range planning vision as it implements an expanding transportation network.  EnviroMetro advocates reducing emissions, improving health, protecting natural assets, developing a comprehensive regional active transit network, and supporting economic opportunity by developing green public infrastructure.  The systems would provide equitable access to a comprehensive system of parks and open space, a project called “Transit to Trails.” 

The event guests had some time for networking and mixing, before sitting down for dinner.



Julianna Delgado, SCPC President, introduced EnviroMetro’s core planning team: Claire Robinson, Managing Director of Amigos de los Rios; and Belinda Faustinos of San Gabriel Mountains Forever. 



The group of forward-thinking organizations has worked with Metro on shifting its investment priorities to usher in a new era of green, equitable, and healthy transportation in Los Angeles. Additionally, the coalition was instrumental in shaping Measure M, the transportation ballot measure, which was recently approved by voters.



Some of the transportation networks needs addressed during the presentation and discussed afterwards included the following:

  • Enhance Equity & Public Health — Disadvantaged communities are most reliant on public transit and active forms of transportation, but displacement threatens their ability to access these unsatisfactory networks. Emphasis is needed on providing low-cost and safe mobility options to connect underserved communities with employment options and open space.
  • Integrate Natural Assets Into First/Last Mile Strategy — The region’s river corridors are currently underutilized and could provide a safe and healthy setting for an active transportation network of trails.
  • Incorporate Green Infrastructure — In all Metro construction projects, consideration should be given to stormwater management, tree canopy cover, the urban heat island effect, and shifts in wildlife habitat.



The event was co-sponsored by the California Center for Land and Water Stewardship at Cal Poly Pomona.

For more information, visit the EnviroMetro site. 





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Event Summary – EnviroMetro
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